School bus drivers in Boston Massachusetts refuse to be intimidated by Veolia [more information]
Veolia ran the light railway linking occupied territories - in breach of international law. [more information]
Connex Veolia sacks train driver in an attempt to silence criticism of (and stop action against) its failing safety standards. [more info] [tribunal decision]
How railway employers have harassed and victimised drivers' health & safety reps - featuring Connex South Eastern and S W Trains. [more]
Spotlight on Connex South Eastern
Connex South Eastern was part of Veolia Transport
Connex Veolia Stripped of its Franchise.
After 7 years of suffering by both its passengers and staff, Connex is no longer allowed to mismanage passenger services in the south east. The Strategic Rail Authority said that it was the overall financial management of the franchise that resulted in its decision. Having taken almost £800 million of taxpayers' subsidies, Connex announced earlier in 2003 that it needed another £200 million. [Connex Thrown out by the SRA]
Connex Veolia Loses Another Tribunal Case
The Connex practice of breaking employment laws shows no sign of ending. The Decision in the Kelly versus Connex South Eastern case has been published - Connex unfairly sacked driver Jim Kelly. [more]
DuPont Report: The Blame Culture in Connex is alive and well.
The second Ladbroke Rail Report quotes the DuPont report on railway safety: 'A strong general impression we gained was that Connex has a very heavy blame culture.' [more]
RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) has published 2 articles on the Holden versus Connex South Eastern tribunal case. They describe:
the fight against excessive hours Connex drivers were forced to work,
the atmosphere of harassment and victimisation within Connex,
the compliance of union officials with the employer, and
the background to the
unofficial CSE News
This site is not connected with Connex South-Eastern (or with any other company called Connex) except that all its contributors were employees of Connex South-Eastern in the U.K.
The aim of this site is to publish documents submitted to the Driver Holden versus Connex South Eastern Industrial Tribunal; it also includes news that is topical and relates to Connex Veolia, health and safety, employment laws and the railways generally.
Use the mouse-over navigation system on the right hand bar to see the available links, also any of the other links on this page. This site is still not finished.